Thursday, May 31, 2012

Megan Keegan Remembered: Even the Good, Young Ones, Die Too Soon

Many of the greats have already went their way this year.  They have experienced glory and downfall and had risen from the ashes to be remembered for all time.  They had lived full lives, maybe with certain amount of regrets, but ruled by more happy times. They have proven that they have the talent, the guts, and the will power to make change.

Sadly, that was not the case for Megan Keegan, an English major from Yale University who died a few days after her graduation in a car accident in Massachusetts.  She was a columnist for Yale Daily News, had written columns for the New Yorker and was already slated to be an assistant in a major newspaper.

Her farewell essay as a columnist for the university’s paper turned out to be her swan song to life.  She was an upcoming journalist.  She had dreams. Not really to become big. But just to make a difference.

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