Friday, April 20, 2012

Looking Back to the Devastating Oklahoma City Bombing

Seventeen years have passed, and yet Oklahomans still clearly remember what happened that day. The Alfred P. Murrah building in downtown Oklahoma was bombed leaving 168 people dead. Children weren’t spared from the terrible incident. There was panic all over the place. People traveled across the country to volunteer for the search and rescue operations. While the public’s fear of the unknown resurrected, hope that everything shall go back to normal spread.
The said domestic terrorist attack is the worst to have been recorded in the history of US. Perpetrators Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were successful in their evil plot. Families and friends of those who perished offered 168 seconds of silence in memory of the notorious Oklahoma bombing. Stuffed animals, flowers and letters were hung on the fence that today surrounds the area where the Murrah building once stood. The Oklahoma bombing reminds us that we should never succumb to despair. People who were directly affected lost their loved ones, yet they were able to move forward. There is no reason for students whose term paper got rejected to be disheartened. We all will have our share of misfortunes. The choice is also ours whether to get or give up.

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