Friday, March 6, 2015

When My Mom and Grandparents Talked About LTCi…

It's been a long time since I've posted some brief and insightful entries here. So, after a serious discussion about my mom and grandparents’ plans on assisted living in the future; I started browsing nursing homes, long term care insurance quotes, and other related health care thingies on Google to understand fully its terms and the benefits of it. BECAUSE… I AM TOOOOO YOUNG TO COMPLETELY CATCH ON THESE CONCERNS!!!

Here's one of the most comprehensive infographics created by Angie's List. This graphic material clearly stated the answers on why we really need insurance for long term care. 

And here's another visualized interpretation from Obizmedia that is also helpful in comparing the difference between an assisted living and nursing homes.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Unbelievable Macro Photos of Shikhei Goh

Photo credit by
Shikhei Goh was born in Riau Islands, Dabo, Singkep. He is currently residing in Batam Island in Indonesia. The renowned macrography master began his passion using a DSLR, just two years ago. Nonetheless, he tried taking photographs but decided to exert more fondness for Macro images. Shikhei Goh is self-acclaimed a macro-addict. After so many trials and errors, he is now becoming a living legend in the field of Macrophotography.

The passionate snapper has a real desire and ambition, and does giving an earnest fortitude to his job. So as to improve more his craft, he responsively accepts constructive criticisms.

Most of his aficionados think that Shikhei is one of the best photographers to admire, for he can immortalize creepy-crawlies and small living species into life along with its subliminal hilarity and distinctive creation.

When he was asked to share his top secret in triumph of macrophotography; he modestly replied, “Perseverance is the key. I went through trials and errors, hard times where people despised my works, but I never gave up. Indeed there were times that I felt like giving it up but I decided to press on.
I read, I browse the webs every day, and I keep on practicing and challenging myself.”

Take a look here and like his page

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Joys of Going to School Early

With insomnia seeping in to the body clocks of more college students by the decade, it is a true struggle to wake up in the morning let alone go to school at the traditional breakfast time in one’s time zone.  It is a struggle but still attainable.  Read on for the benefits of going to school as early as the sun is just rising and setting it’s space in the sky.

Less crowded

Campuses usually start to get crowded by past 7 or before 9 in the morning. And so being at school before those times can give you a vantage point of being able to enjoy a little of solitude and more room to walk or even glide around with your bag and books and your electronic buddies like your tablet and phone.

Fresh air

Really, really fresh air is hard to breathe nowadays and are at their finest only during the mornings.  So, if you are yearning for a good blow of wind against your face, then get up and get out of your dorm a little after six in the morning and walk to school.  The air during that time of the day is fresh and pleasing to the lungs and skin and overall well-being.

Last-minute note peeking is less stressful

We are all prone to just looking at our notes a minute or so before lectures begin and so coming to school as early as the school janitor will give us more to just to sit and go over our notes and insert those much-needed to know notes that might be part of the next lecture or a pop quiz.

No heavy traffic

This is probably one of the joys of being an early-to-bed-early-to-school college student.  Heavy traffic is a source of early morning stress to college students who commute going to school and to some extent, those who live on-campus.  The beautiful hours of 5:30 to 6:30 in the morning are free from congestion of vehicles and people walking or running around.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Howard Gardner's Visual-Spatial Intelligence

According to Howard Gardner, people who are mostly considered to have highly fostered spatial intelligence include engineers, surgeons, sculptors, visual artists and sailors. Their ability involves a perception to visualize what they see very precisely. On the other hand, these capabilities are not alike, for this reason most of them may be proficient at visual perception but they are not skilled enough to illustrate, sketch, as well as to imagine.

Typically, most of the people who are adept to spatial intelligence can formulate a patterned learning model, generate mental imagery and structure graphic representations of spatial information.

Each individual has the capacity to perceive the visual realm; but it is exceptionally significant on those people who are blind as they have no access to the visual world.

Spatial intelligence encompasses not only a mishmash of the capabilities as depicted by Gardner, but also other skills like inventiveness and utilization of motor movement. The principle of a sculptor, for instance, lies in visual-spatial intelligence. In creating any form of graphic art, a high level of compassion and understanding to its categorical acumen is prerequisite.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Popular Teen Movies of the 90's

For me the finest time happened in my life was during high school. It's gracelessly surprising to conjure stuff during this stage in details about teen angst, bullying, social alienation and first love. How can I forget that? So now, I will make an outline of five memorable best teen movies of the 90s that I really love to watch over and over again.

Clueless (1995)
Sex. Clothes. Popularity. Whatever!!!

Superficial gal Cher Horowitz (Alicia Silverstone) who doesn't care about getting high grades than wearing fab clothes in Beverly Hills high school. She makes sure being so famous, as possible; Cher is fond of playing match-maker and helping out her friends with the latest trend in fashion. Apart from it, she's also amicably searching for a perfect boyfriend.

Can't Hardly Wait (1998)
For the class of 1998, the last night of high school is the first night of the rest of their lives.

It's about self-exploration of teen world boozed with sex and liquor. Can't Hardly Wait revolves around an eclectic group of teenagers from Huntington Hills High attending in a graduation party and things develop revealing their secret crushes, kicking off a sweet vengeance on a lifelong bully and engaging in sexual experimentation.

American Pie (1999)
Boy gets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy gets pie.

The hilarious teenage flick American Pie stands out in my memory because four teenage friends enter a pact to get some girls and lose their virginity before the prom night. But the conflict was "how will they reach their objective before they graduate?"

Cruel Intentions (1999)
In the game of seduction and betrayal, how far will you go?

This is the sexiest teen movie that I've ever watched because I've turned on some of the steamy scenes, lastly for the reason that it's well acted. LOL It's a wonderfully twisted tale of wealthy teenagers; a manipulative lass Kathryn (Sarah Michelle Gellar), her step-brother Sebastian (Ryan Philippe) and the virgin Annette (Reese Witherspoon).

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
Romeo, Oh Romeo, Get Out Of My Face.

It's worth watching for the fact that Heath Ledger starred on this teenage film even if it's quite predictable. 10 Things I hate About You is based upon on William Shakespeare’s comedy play "The Taming of the Shrew"

Friday, August 29, 2014

Allowance and Math: Perfect Combination to Teach Math to Kids

When a pre-schooler gets a humble amount of money as allowance, this is your perfect opening to teach them math – a subject that most students, and even adults seem to stay away from as much as possible.

Just like writing essays, teaching math to kids is a task that parents should not solely leave to teachers.  It is a task that everyone should pitch in order for kids to fully understand the subject.  And here are some ways to blend the two and create a financially responsible and possible mathlete child.

Be detailed when it comes to giving them their weekly allowance
The amount should not be that dig, especially if they are like five or six years old.  Having money in their hands and teaching them how to handle it through math will instill in them a sense of responsibility and accountability.  Teaching them the ropes of addition and subtraction will make them aware of what happens when they spend money that is given to them.

Write down an allowance plan with them
Don’t use an excel sheet for this task, just write it in a piece of colorful paper with a pencil or a crayon. Then post it in the fridge or in their room so that they know that the whole family is watching how they spend their allowance.  Knowing that everybody knows how much they were given and how much of it should they spend and where they should be spent on will instill in them a sense of honesty and transparency.

Monitor how they actualize that allowance plan
Tracking how they abide with the allowance plan will then give you the chance to teach how adding money and spending it is related to math – a subject they will have to learn all throughout the first half of the lives.  They will unknowingly learn about the four basic mathematical operations-  addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division – when  trying to work around their meagre allowance as pre-schoolers.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Battling Homework Overload in 3 Steps

In today’s competitive academic setting, teachers are now giving tons of homework for students to devour on a daily basis.  The rationale behind this homework surge is that students need to always on their guard and learn as many things as school time permits.

When homework overload is not managed, students can feel drained and tired and might grow weary of studying.  If you are about to experience or is on the brink of giving up on a mountain- sized of homework.

Come up with a planner

A planner is like an organizer which will allow you to put your homework into perspective.  You will be able to organize which assignments should be completed on a certain day.  In writing in your planner, which can be anything such as notebook or a calendar,  you have to evaluate which homework takes precedence over the others in terms of difficulty, because the harder the assignment is, the longer should it take time for you to finish which means it will eat up more days or hours in your planner.

Seek outside help

Getting assistance from homework help websites, family or friends or other learned people can make your mountain of homework more tolerable and easier to finish in due time. Just make sure that seek help in advance, not when the homework are due for tomorrow or something for that will only bring additional stress on your part and that person you sought help from.

Stick to the plan

No matter what circumstances occur, stick to the homework plan.  Avoid procrastinating, your plan will be useless if you put off doing homework that should be done today, tomorrow.  Even if you feel lazy, get on with doing your homework.  Committing to your homework planner will pay off in the end.  Accomplishing it hours before daybreak will have health and emotional and academic consequences.